Just Perfect Ceviche
Recipe of Alfredo Aramburú from Restaurant ALFRESCO.

200 gr sole fillet.
3 key limes.
1 limo hot pepper.
1 red onion.
100 gr corn kernels.
1 glazed sweet potatoe (boiled in water, sugar,
cinnamon, aromatic clove and peel of lemon).
Chopped parsley and rocoto hot pepper for decoration.
Salt and pepper.

To Prepare:

Wash and cut the fish into big pieces. Add the salt and pepper. Cut the 3 key limes and let them steeping in water for 5 minutes. Squeeze them by hand over the pieces of fish, letting the water spout through your hands.

Add the limo hot pepper without seeds and veins. Wash and cut it. Finally cut the red onion lenghtwise. Steep it in cold water and add it over the fish upon serving. Serve it with corn and glaced sweet potato. Decorate with a slice of rocoto pepper and chopped parsley.