Serves 6.


1 kilo lima beans
100 grams “serrano” cheese (from Cajamarca or Arequipa)
100 grams Parmesan cheese
100 grams Edam cheese
100 grams Mozzarella
250 ml. cream of milk
Salt, pepper.

To Prepare:

Soak and peel lima beans.
Cook the beans in a little water until tender.
Beat with the same wooden spoon, season with salt and pepper and add the cream of milk and cheeses (previously passed through the thick grater).

Serve a layer of pureed lima beans and cover with a serving of the stew. Garnish with plain rice.
Beef Stew Northern Style
Serves 6.


2 kilos fillet steak
2 cups meat juices
1/2 small bunch coriander
3 leaves spinach, uncooked
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 glass chicha de jora (fermented pale-yellow corn drink)
1 tablespoon garlic
2 tablespoons red pepper ground with yellow hot pepper
1 onion, diced
1 tomato, quartered and chopped
Salt, pepper, cumin, ground oregano and monosodium glutamate (Aji-no-moto)
1 teaspoon sugar
½ kilo summer pumpkin.

To Prepare:

Cut meat into pieces 150 gr. each, and marinate all night in the “chicha de jora” already mixed with salt and pepper.
In a clay pot, prepare a seasoning with oil, garlic and red onion until edges of the onion turn a light brown, add the ground peppers, turmeric, pumpkin (grated coarse), the coriander blended with the spinach and season. Add the tomato already cut in quarters and chopped.
Add the meat, let some of the chicha de jora evaporate and then add the leftover meat juices and cook over low heat until meat breaks up into strips.
To thicken, add what's left of the chicha.

Pureed Lima Beans & 4 Cheeses